Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back-Story and Riddles

Anna Stetler

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

“Back-story and Riddles”


            In the Dark Knight, the Joker gives several reasons for the scars on his face. He gives them throughout the movie and they always seem to change. The reason for this confusing dialogue is: the Joker talks in riddles. In order for the Joker to continue dazzling people about who he is, where he comes from, and where he is going next, he must keep them guessing as to who he really is. The Joker is a very dark man who becomes incapable of being seen as a man because of the things he does. The first time he tells the story of his scars, he evokes true remorse from the movie viewers. The next time he brings them up, he is seen with disdain and scrutiny because we don’t know which story to believe. One reason is not truer than the other; I don’t think either is true. I think there is a method to his madness in the effect that he has people seeing just the things he does as opposed to who  he is.

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