Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Web of Risks

Anna Stetler

October 15, 2009 

“Web of Risks”


            I have never experienced a situation as in the Newsweek article. I have however, recently been added as a friend by some of my aunts and uncles, and my Mother. When I post sarcastic comments as my ‘what I am doing,’ it has happened many times that they have taken it the wrong way. My friends, however, get the joke. I have noticed recently, the growing number of former high school peers who regularly post pictures of them online with beers in hand. No one has gotten in trouble as far as I know, but I think it may be imminent. If I were starting a production company and some of my potential employees had sites on Facebook and MySpace, I would definitely look at them. Firstly, these sites are public. They have posted these things online so that everyone can see them. There are a few who have made them private, but the profile picture, age, and location can still be seen on the world wide web. Secondly, their personalities truly are expressed when these sites are used. I would look to get a small glimpse into their unprofessional personality. 


Anna Stetler

Thursday October 15, 2009



            The situation I would choose, between having an unruly actor versus having a co-writer that hates every idea I have, is the other writer. In this situation, I would choose to follow their idea and support them throughout it. I don’t want to be in the film industry to get the glory or the fame, so I would simply support them in their ideas and try my best to work with them. If they continued to dislike and bash my ideas that support theirs, I would still try very hard to help them. If it came to it eventually, I may inform the director or producers of the situation and resign if they have nothing to offer in regards to help.

Edge of Your Seat

Anna Stetler

Tuesday October 13, 2009

“Edge of Your Seat”

(One Paragraph)


            The last film I saw that left me on the ‘edge of my seat’ was Primal Fear starring Richard Gere and Edward Norton. This film is considered to be a thriller, and was released in 1996. Richard Gere stars as a cocky lawyer that is sure he can help a 19 year old alter boy portrayed by Edward Norton.  Norton’s character is charged with killing an Archbishop. There are many parts of the film that are intense. For example, when Edward Norton’s character, Aaron is being questioned by Molly, a psychiatrist, he lets his other ‘identity’ show for just a mere moment and utters bone-chilling words. This really grabs the viewer’s attention because it is over very quickly. Another very intense part occurred when Richard Gere’s character Martin Vail, is interviewing Aaron again and Aaron’s split personality reveals itself again and they begin to fight. The viewer is essentially biting his or her nails wondering what is going to happen to the case that Martin is trying to win on behalf of Aaron. 

Action Hero Type

Anna Stetler

Tuesday October 13, 2009

“Action Hero Type”


The Creator: 

Iron Man

The Fighter: 

Rocky, The Terminator, John McClain

The Destroyer: 

Hancock, Rambo

The Enforcer: 

Robin Hood, Ethan Hunt

Back-Story and Riddles

Anna Stetler

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

“Back-story and Riddles”


            In the Dark Knight, the Joker gives several reasons for the scars on his face. He gives them throughout the movie and they always seem to change. The reason for this confusing dialogue is: the Joker talks in riddles. In order for the Joker to continue dazzling people about who he is, where he comes from, and where he is going next, he must keep them guessing as to who he really is. The Joker is a very dark man who becomes incapable of being seen as a man because of the things he does. The first time he tells the story of his scars, he evokes true remorse from the movie viewers. The next time he brings them up, he is seen with disdain and scrutiny because we don’t know which story to believe. One reason is not truer than the other; I don’t think either is true. I think there is a method to his madness in the effect that he has people seeing just the things he does as opposed to who  he is.

Burning House

Anna Stetler

Tuesday October 6, 2009

“Burning House”


            If my house was burning down and I could only grab 5 DVDs, I would grab Jaws, Disturbia, Pirates of the Caribbean, Northern Exposure Season 1 and Gilmore Girls Season 1. I would grab Jaws because it is my favorite movie of all time. I love watching this movie! If I was not longer able to watch it, I would be very sad. Watching Hooper, Quint, and Brody sail out on the open sea to track down a killer shark is something I don’t want to miss out on. Secondly, I would grab Disturbia because it is my obsession of the season. I love this movie because it has intense sequences where I find myself stuck, wondering where my breath went. Thirdly, I would grab Pirates of the Caribbean because it is a classic! I would just be heartbroken if I couldn’t sit down and watch Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner fight things out and eventually save the day, every day. Northern Exposure Season 1 would be the next on my list. I would grab this because I have wanted to move to Alaska for a very long time. This show is something I grew up with, so I would want to grab it out of nostalgia.  Last, but never least, I would grab Gilmore Girls Season 1 for purely sentimental and homesickness reasons. When my sister and I were growing up, we watched Lorelai and Rory Gilmore for 7 seasons, and fell absolutely in love with the small town of Stars Hollow. Whenever I am feeling homesick or just want to see ‘northern’ weather, I watch it. I feel like I have lived there. 

Sci-Fi Blog

Anna Stetler

Thursday October 1, 2009

“Sci-Fi Blog”


            The best Sci-Fi character ever created was Dr. Who. He is a character that has lasted for many decades as a popular TV icon. Dr. Who is the greatest because his personality and charm have lasted so long with numerous characters having portrayed him. He is a self proclaimed “Time Lord,” meaning he can live for a very long time. He battles aliens and travels through time and space. Being known worldwide, Dr. Who has made his way into many households, many age groups, and many TV channels.

The best Sci-Fi Villain is Darth Vader. He is the best villain because his face is covered and masked. The only thing scarier than showing someone’s mangled, ugly, or mutilated face, is leaving their identity a secret. The fans of Star Wars have grown afraid of Darth, because what you can’t see lets the imagination run wild. The best movie villain is the Terminator. He is evil in the first film, and then continues on to become a good character in the second and third films. Because he is so cold hearted and mechanical, he strikes fear into fans quickly and efficiently.  It is very hard in the second and third film to trust him, as he has become a new character, reprogrammed to save rather than harm.